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What is Sauerkraut?
Sauerkraut, which means sour cabbage in German is a food made by fermenting finely cut cabbage by lactic acid bacteria. Although its name is German, Sauerkraut did not actually originate in Germany.
Some Sources say that this fermented sauerkraut was first brought to Europe by the Mongol Emperor Genghis Khan, and some sources say that it came from China and brought to Europe by the Tatars.
Ingredients for Sauerkraut Recipe
Main Ingredients for Sauerkraut Recipe
- 1 medium cabbage
- 2 teaspoons of sea salt (non-iodized salt)
Ingredients for Sauerkraut Fermentation
Make sure it is completely clean. Bad bacteria prevent healthy bacteria from forming.
- Jar
- A sharp knife
- Chopping board
- Mixing bowl
- Cloth to cover the jar
- Rubber band to tie the cloth
How to Make Sauerkraut Recipe
- Wash the cabbage well and place it on the cutting board.
- Using a large knife, cut the cabbage into quarters and remove the root in the middle.
- Thinly slice the cabbage and transfer it to the mixing bowl.
- Add salt and start rubbing cabbage with your hands.
- Continue rubbing until the juice of the cabbage accumulates at the bottom of the bowl.
- When the cabbage has a consistency that can be squeezed with both hands, start placing it in the jar.
- Put a handful and press it well with your fist or a large crushing pad, then put another handful and continue pressing in the same way.
- Add the remaining cabbage juice to the jar.
- Cover the jar with a cloth and tie it with a rubber band.
- Let the jar rest at room temperature. It will be fermented in 3 to 10 days.
- Check the jar twice a day. All the cabbage pieces need to be submerged. If you see pieces of cabbage floating on the water, you have to press it.
- You can start to taste it from the third day. When it reaches a pickled consistency, the fermentation process is completed.
How is Sauerkraut Served?
- Well, if you ask how to eat these sauerkrauts, I personally don’t like to wat it with other foods. I’m one of those people who take the jar and dig with a fork haha. But of course, it’s mainly served with sausages and boiled meat.
Sauerkraut Recipe Tips
- Make sure all ingredients are completely clean so that good bacteria can grow.
- As you slice the cabbage thinly, try to cut it into equal pieces so that all slices will ferment evenly.
How to Store Sauerkraut?
- You can store it in the jar by closing it tightly. It can stay in the refrigerator for up to 2 months.
What are the Benefits of Sauerkraut?
- First of all, it’s necessary to talk about its benefits to the intestines because, like any fermented food, sauerkraut is incredibly gut-friendly.
- It facilitates digestion and for me, is the most important nutrient for intestinal health. Along with kefir, of course.
- It helps you lose weight. It keeps you full and has almost no calories.
- Healthy gut, healthy brain. They say it’s good for brain health, too.
- It’s also great for the immune system.
Do you want to know more about the other Swiss food? Then have a look at here: Swiss Food
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